When was Jesus born? And jesus christ story bethlehem, jesus christ, mary, joseph, nazareth

Story of Jesus’ birth:

In the quiet town of Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph found refuge. Mary, a humble and virtuous woman, became the mother of Jesus. Joseph, a skilled carpenter, played an important role in supporting and raising the young family. Despite the hardships they faced, they created a warm and loving home for the child who would later be known as the Messiah.


[Humble Birth, Mary and Joseph, Family Upbringing, Messiah]

Importance of Christmas:
The world comes together to celebrate Christmas on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. This festive occasion transcends religious boundaries and promotes the spirit of joy, love and giving. People exchange gifts, distribute sweets and light up their homes with the eternal symbol of the Christmas tree.


Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Palestine around 4-6 BC. His parents, Mary and Joseph, had moved from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem itself. His mother’s name was Mary and his father’s name was Joseph, who was a carpenter.

The world celebrates Christmas on 25 December to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. On this day people exchange gifts and sweets to express happiness. Houses and churches are decorated with Christmas trees and lights. People of all religions celebrate this festival with enthusiasm. In India, preparations for Christmas start a week in advance. Churches and homes are decorated with Christmas trees and lights. Let us know about the story of the birth of Jesus Christ and some important facts related to him.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem between 4-6 BC. His parents, Mary and Joseph, had moved from Nazareth to Bethlehem. It is believed that Joseph married Mary on the guidance of God. Just two years before the birth of Jesus, Joseph died, and Mary took care of his upbringing.

However, not much information is available about the life of Jesus between the ages of 13 and 30. Despite facing opposition from religious leaders, at the age of 30, Jesus received baptism from John and began his ministry. Ultimately, he was sentenced to death by crucifixion by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. Jesus was crucified on Friday, and three days later, on Sunday, he rose from the dead, known as Easter Sunday. This miraculous event was witnessed by many people and Jesus spent 40 days with his disciples before ascending to heaven.

When was Jesus born? scriptural response

The Bible does not provide any specific date of birth of Jesus Christ. As the following excerpts from various books indicate: “The exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ is unknown.” – New Catholic Encyclopedia “The exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ is not known.” – Encyclopedia of Early Christianity.

The Bible does not clearly state ‘when Jesus was born.’ However, it mentions two events that occurred at the time of his birth. From these it can be inferred that he was not born on 25 December. not in winter season

Enrollment. ‘Caesar Augustus issued an order that a census of the entire Roman world should be taken. And everyone went to their respective cities to get registered. (Luke 2:1-3) Shortly before the birth of Jesus, the Roman Emperor Augustus ordered that everyone must register in their hometown. This meant that people probably had to travel for a week or more. This was particularly challenging during the cold season, making it unlikely that Augustus would force people to travel in the harsh winter conditions. This contradicts the common belief that Jesus was born in December.

Cowboy. The shepherds were ‘staying out in the fields, guarding their sheep and goats at night.’ (Luke 2:8) Daily life in Jesus’ time states that ‘a week or more before the Passover,’ about mid-March to mid-November, shepherds tended their flocks in the open fields. The same book reads, ‘During the cold season, the herds were kept in an enclosure.’ Therefore, the fact that shepherds were in the fields shows that the Christmas tradition of December 25 is incorrect, as shepherds would not be in the fields during cold weather. fall season

Jesus died in the spring of 33 AD, on Nisan 14, about March or April. If we count backwards from this date we can estimate when he was born. (John 19:14-26) When Jesus began his preaching work at the age of about three, he was about 30 years old. Therefore, he was probably born in autumn, at the beginning of the autumn season. – Luke 3:23.

Why is Christmas celebrated on 25th December?

There is no evidence that Jesus Christ was born on December 25, so why is Christmas celebrated on this date? According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, Church leaders may have chosen this date “so that it would coincide with the traditional Roman festival celebrating the ‘Invincible Sun’.” The Encyclopedia Americana suggests that many scholars believe this date was chosen to make Christianity more attractive to non-Christians, who already celebrated the Roman festival of ‘the birth of the invincible Sun.


[The humble birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem]

The humble city of Bethlehem sits in the heart of ancient Palestine. Witnessed an extraordinary event that would shape the course of human history. It was here that Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, was born between 4-6 BC. His parents, Mary and Joseph, came from Nazareth, and made Bethlehem the holy place of his birth.

[ Jesus Christ Story Bethlehem, Jesus Christ, Mary, Joseph, Nazareth ]

Story of Jesus’ birth:

In the quiet town of Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph found refuge. Mary, a humble and virtuous woman, became the mother of Jesus. Joseph, a skilled carpenter, played an important role in supporting and raising the young family. Despite the hardships they faced, they created a warm and loving home for the child who would later be known as the Messiah.

Humble Birth, Mary and Joseph, Family Upbringing, Messiah]

Importance of Christmas:
The world comes together to celebrate Christmas on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. This festive occasion transcends religious boundaries and promotes the spirit of joy, love and giving. People exchange gifts, distribute sweets and light up their homes with the eternal symbol of the Christmas tree.

25 December 2023 Merry Christmas Day

[The humble birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem]

The humble city of Bethlehem sits in the heart of ancient Palestine. Witnessed an extraordinary event that would shape the course of human history. It was here that Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, was born between 4-6 BC. His parents, Mary and Joseph, came from Nazareth, and made Bethlehem the holy place of his birth.

[ Jesus Christ Story Bethlehem, Jesus Christ, Mary, Joseph, Nazareth ]


Story of Jesus’ birth:

In the quiet town of Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph found refuge. Mary, a humble and virtuous woman, became the mother of Jesus. Joseph, a skilled carpenter, played an important role in supporting and raising the young family. Despite the hardships they faced, they created a warm and loving home for the child who would later be known as the Messiah.

Humble Birth, Mary and Joseph, Family Upbringing, Messiah]

Importance of Christmas:
The world comes together to celebrate Christmas on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. This festive occasion transcends religious boundaries and promotes the spirit of joy, love and giving. People exchange gifts, distribute sweets and light up their homes with the eternal symbol of the Christmas tree.


[ Christmas, December 25, Happiness, Love, Giving, Christmas Tree]

Christmas preparations around the world:
The mesmerizing preparations for Christmas are not limited to any specific region or community. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene villages of India, the festive spirit captivates the hearts. Churches and homes are decorated with dazzling Christmas trees and lights, creating a magical atmosphere that transcends cultural differences.

[ Worldwide Christmas, New York, India, Christmas decorations]

Life of Jesus Christ:
Beyond festive celebrations, understanding the life of Jesus Christ adds depth to the significance of Christmas. Born in Bethlehem, Jesus’ early years were marked by the guidance of his mother, Mary, as Joseph died when Jesus was only two years old. Little is known about his adolescence and early adulthood, until he began a transformational ministry at age 30.

[ The Life of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem, Mary’s Guidance, Transformational Ministry]

Crucifixion and Resurrection: The climax of Jesus’ life came on Friday with his crucifixion. Influenced by protests from religious leaders, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate sentenced him to death. Yet, this tragic event paved the way for the most profound miracle of all – the resurrection. On Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead, instilling hope and faith in the hearts of believers,

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[ mystery, early years of Jesus, early years, central figure]

Historical context and cultural significance:

Understanding the historical context surrounding the birth of Jesus increases appreciation of the cultural significance of Christmas. The Roman Emperor Augustus’s order for a census and the presence of shepherds in the fields provide valuable insights, challenging common misconceptions about the time of Jesus’ birth.

[ historical context, cultural significance, Roman emperors ]Augustus, the shepherd]

Refutation of Christmas Traditions:

Contrary to popular belief, the choice of December 25 for Christmas is not rooted in historical evidence of Jesus’ birth on this date. Encyclopædia Britannica suggests that this date may have been chosen to align with a Roman festival celebrating the ‘Invincible Sun’. Unraveling these historical threads challenges preconceived notions about the origins of Christmas traditions.

[ Christmastraditions, December 25, historical evidence,Roman festival]


As we delve into the rich tapestry of the life of Jesus Christ, His birth in Bethlehem emerges as a symbol of humility and divine purpose. Celebrated on December 25, Christmas becomes much more than a festive occasion; It becomes a global celebration of love, joy, and the enduring legacy of Jesus Christ.

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