Suga’s journey to success: overcoming obstacles and pursuing passion

Suga’s journey to success: overcoming obstacles and pursuing passion ( सुगा की सफलता की यात्रा: बाधाओं पर काबू पाना और जुनून का पीछा करना )


Today we are going to talk about a boy who faced many options. He could either hop on the bus or make sure he had a meal on time. Today’s discussion centres around a boy who was on the verge of taking his own life due to stress, anxiety and depression. But before paying attention to that. ..

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Suga was born on 9 March 1993 in South Korea. He was the youngest in his family, which included a mother, a father, and an older brother. Born into a financially struggling family, Suga started his early schooling at Gnanisham Middle School and Appu Jeong. During his childhood, Suga’s mind was not particularly fixated on academics.

Hindustan Times

He always sought to create something grand and unique to provide financial support to his family. Suga was fond of basketball during his formative years and initially had a desire to become a professional basketball player. Upon encountering South Korea’s stories Kang’s song “ragam afim song”, Suga found it strikingly different and unlike anything he had heard before.

Subsequently, his interest in rapping increased, leading him to delve into the art form, exploring different artists and diverse styles of music. Upon discovering the South Korean alternative hip-hop group, Epic High, Suga resolved to become a rapper. However, his family was not particularly thrilled with his decision.
And why would they be? His family faced financial struggles and Suga had to undergo training and endure hardships before pursuing a career in rap. Nevertheless, Suga had already set his sights on becoming a rapper.

Without frustrating his family, he started a part-time job. His older brother already had a job that maintained the family’s expenses, making Suga feel that his family had sided with his older brother. In attempts to attract the attention of his family and become their favourite, Suga tried several paths, but, according to him, to no avail. This left him feeling frustrated and anxious, eventually leading to depression. Believing in his older brother, who listened carefully and sympathetically, Suga was encouraged. ..

Follow your passion and pursue your dream of becoming a musician with the assurance of unwavering support. Inspired by his brother’s words, Suga began working with the D group without informing his family, who continued with their part-time jobs. He refrained from revealing his efforts to them, knowing they would decline. With a wealth of knowledge about rapping through exposure to groups such as Epic High, Suga honed his skills in music, songwriting, and MIDI.

Joining the group further enriched their learning experience. Known in the group as Glebs, Suga also began part-time work at age 17 in a recording studio where he delved into music production, composition and arrangement. Here, too, he gained valuable insights into musical composition, increasing his expertise. The days rolled, and one day, Suga learned that Big Hit Entertainment was holding auditions. Without a second thought, he auditioned.

Although Suga did not finish top of the competition, placing second was not a minor achievement. Impressed by his performance, Big Hit Entertainment signed him as a trainee/producer, which excited Suga. He immediately shared the news with his brother. However, things were not fully resolved yet. At times, Suga still had to give up food to afford the bus fare.

For this, they have to travel on foot. Moreover, Suga took a part-time gig as a delivery boy to manage his expenses. On such a delivery run, he met an accident and lost consciousness. Upon regaining consciousness in the morning, he realized that he could not move.

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