Sinking into History: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Titanic Disaster

Sinking into History: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Titanic Disaster  ( इतिहास में डूबना: टाइटैनिक आपदा के रहस्यों को उजागर करना )

Titanic Disaster

15 April 1912 an event that shook the whole world everyone had tears in their eyes. The RMS Titanic is a ship that, after being built, was claimed to never sink. This was the time of the nineteenth century. There was a spree between the Germans and the British to build more than one ship.

At the forefront of this horde was the government of Britain, which built a ship that looked like a fairly large and luxurious palace. Commissioned to build the ship, the White Star Line Company began construction of the Titanic at Belfast on the North Island on 31 March 1909.

Titanic Disaster

After 3 years of hard work, 15,000 engineers and workers finally made the Taj Mahal Titanic moving in the water was quite luxuriant and luxurious inside. It had two large grand staircases. With a heated swimming pool, Turkish Baat electric Baat, a gym, four restaurants, a library, and plush-looking first-class, second-class, and third-class apartments, the ship cost $ 7.5 million at the time.

It cost $ 400 million today. The ship was built in 16 separate compartments, which were completely watertight, and for this reason, the Titanic was called unsinkable. The ship had a large number of officers, and businessmen and there were a lot of emigrants who were going to America to make their dreams come true. The company that built the ship had publicly announced that it was unsinkable today. These ships can never sink. On 2 April 1912, the Titanic was ready. Looking so beautiful on the outside, the Titanic was even more beautiful on the inside, and people were thrilled about the first voyage of the Titanic, on April 10, 1912, the Titanic left England for New York.

920 passengers then left South Hamton and reached France at a speed of 42 km per hour, taking 274 passengers to the Titanic Queen Town Ireland and also leaving here with 123 passengers. To New York.

With 1317 passengers and 907 crew members, the ship was carrying a total of 2224 people on its last voyage. When the Titanic left Ireland on 12 April 1912, the SEM Titanic was still given its first warning of the iceberg on its way.

But the Titanic, passing through the Atlantic Ocean, unwittingly begins to move towards America at a speed of 40 kilometres per hour. After getting these warnings, the Titanic changes its route but does not reduce its speed. The accompanying ice warning was given 2 days later on 14 April 1912. But the captain of the ship, Edward Jones, ignores the Inverness.

And do not reduce the speed of the ship and the Titanic was moving at its full speed, screeching the sea in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The sun goes down and night falls. Six warning messages had been delivered to Captain Edward Smith from other ships. Now keeping these warnings in mind on April 14 at 2:00 pm.

Captain Smith told White Star Line chairman and managing director Joseph Bruce about the ice morning. But Joseph Bruce kept the pressure on Captain Smith not to slow down the speed of the Titanic because he wanted the ship of his company to set a record by completing its journey in just 6 days.

That terrible night had also now taken a terrible form. There was no moon in the sky that night. Capt. Smith was concerned about the safety of the ship somewhere so Capt. Smith deployed Federer Lee, the ship’s two crewmembers, to the ship’s Crown nest point on the dark night of 14 April to take safety.

To monitor the seabed so that he can immediately inform the captain of any danger. On that dark night, the cold water of the sea, the Titanic and the stars in the sky were present who were probably watching the event. Suddenly at 11: 00, forty-five minutes later, Federer saw a big Black Mountain in front of the ship.

He did not see the ice rock, but Federer immediately understood that death was standing in his way, I.E. spur. It appeared that Federico rang the hour three times and then immediately called and gave the news. A rock of ice is right in front of us. All the officers tried to divert the ships.

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