Taking Cardiovascular Health Seriously: Easy Steps Toward a Better Life

Taking Cardiovascular Health Seriously: Easy Steps Toward a Better Life

Heart attack prevention Healthy lifestyle
Heart attack prevention
Healthy lifestyle

For Indians, the past year has been especially frightening because heart attacks and heart diseases have affected people ranging in age from 12 to 45. Even more concerning is that heart illnesses, which were previously thought to only affect the elderly, are now plaguing younger people.

Causes of the Increase in Heart Attack Cases

Heart-related problems are becoming more common in all age groups, from young children to the elderly. Physicians explain this increase by pointing to the significant lifestyle changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Poor food choices, high levels of stress, and sedentary lifestyles have become more widespread. Analyzing the 2023 statistics shows that heart attack cases have increased recently, especially in India and many other countries, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Advice from Physicians

Heart attack deaths have increased dramatically over the last three years, most likely as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic’s aftereffects in India. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has released new data that shows a notable 12.5% increase in 2022 alone.

‘Sudden Deaths and Suicides in India’, a recent report from NCRB, shows that heart attacks claimed the lives of 32,457 people in 2022—a significant rise over the 28,413 deaths that same year. Experts from all over the world, including those in India, agree that the COVID-19 pandemic may have an effect on heart health.

According to Dr. Sanjeev Gera, the Fortis Hospital in Noida’s director of cardiology, “people who are having heart attacks are usually in their 25–45 age range.” He claims that the risk of heart attacks has increased due to factors like smoking, sedentary lifestyles, high salt diets, elevated stress levels, lack of sleep, and consumption of processed foods. People are also struggling with obesity, high cholesterol, pre-hypertension, and pre-diabetes these days. all of which contribute significantly to the risk of heart attacks.

Heart attack prevention Healthy lifestyle
Heart attack prevention
Healthy lifestyle

Lifestyle Changes Can Save Lives

Dr. Gera emphasized the importance of addressing modifiable risk factors like pre-diabetes, pre-hypertension, and high cholesterol. However, the drastic changes in people’s lifestyles due to more than two years of staying indoors have led to a surge in silent heart diseases.

He stated, “Our unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity or exercise are exacerbating this impact.”

Another critical factor is the deteriorating quality of Indian food items. The ratio of good cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL) is skewed, mainly because the Indian diet is rich in processed carbohydrates and fats, with insufficient protein intake.

Additional Factors Contributing to Heart Attacks

Dr. Rashi Khare, Principal Consultant in Cardiology and the Heart Department at Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, previously mentioned that individuals who have had COVID-19 may face a higher risk of heart disease. She advised caution against excessive exercise as the virus can be damaging to the cardiovascular system, leading to conditions such as myocardial swelling and an increased risk of blood clots. Intense physical exertion can potentially elevate pressure on the heart, resulting in irregular heartbeats or complications like swelling, both of which are hazardous conditions.

Preventive Cardiovascular Health Steps

Healthcare professionals recommend certain lifestyle changes to maintain heart health. Here are a few easy actions that everyone ought to think about doing:

Restrict your use of alcohol and tobacco.
Add nutrient-dense foods to your diet.
A plant-based diet is preferable to non-vegetarian options.
Continue to be active and make regular exercise a part of your schedule.
Sustain a healthy weight.
Keep a close eye on your blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels.
Consider stress, anxiety, and depression seriously and, if necessary, seek professional assistance.
As heart attack cases continue to rise globally, it’s crucial for individuals to prioritize their heart health through lifestyle modifications. By making small yet impactful changes to daily routines, such as adopting a balanced diet, staying physically active, and managing stress effectively, one can significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Remember, a healthy heart is the key to a longer and more fulfilling life. So, take charge of your well-being today and embark on a journey towards a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Heart attack prevention Healthy lifestyle
Heart attack prevention
Healthy lifestyle

Heart health
Heart attack prevention
Healthy lifestyle
Cardiovascular health
COVID-19 impact on heart
Heart disease risks
Indian diet and heart health
Physical activity and heart health
Stress management
Balanced diet for heart health

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