The story from the birth of Jesus Christ to the crucifixion

25 December merry christmas day ।।। Jesus Christ[10] was a Jewish preacher and religious figure who lived in the first century.  The most popular religion in the world, Christianity, is centered around him.  The majority of Christians hold that the Son is God made human and the long-awaited Messiah mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures.

The majority of contemporary antiquity scholars concur that Jesus existed historically.  Since the Gospels are the only comprehensive account of Jesus’ life, there is some debate regarding the historical validity of the Gospels and the degree to which the New Testament’s portrayal of Jesus accurately reflects the historical Jesus.[11] ] After undergoing circumcision, Jesus, a Galilean Jew, was baptized by Johya and started his own ministry.  Originally, his teachings were passed down orally, and he was frequently referred to as “Rabbi”.

Jesus healed people, told parables to teach, gathered followers, and engaged in debate with fellow Jews about the best way to follow God.  On the orders of Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of Jerusalem, he was taken into custody and put on trial by the Jewish authorities. He was then turned over to the Roman government and crucified.  His community eventually became the early Christian church, and his followers thought he had risen from the dead after his death.

There are other religions that also honor Jesus.  Within the Islamic faith, Jesus—often referred to by his Quranic name, Isa—is regarded as God’s final prophet and the promised Messiah.  Muslims hold that Jesus was not God or the Son of God, even though they believe that he was born of the virgin Mary, a figure highly revered in Islam. The Quran states that Jesus never professed to be divine.  The majority of Muslims hold that God took him to heaven while he was still alive rather than that he was crucified or put to death.  Judaism, on the other hand, denies that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah, contending that he was neither divine nor resurrected and that he did not fulfill messianic prophecies.

birth and early life

 The Bible claims that Mary, the mother of Jesus, lived in the Galilean province’s village of Nazareth.  She was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter who was descended from David.  Because of divine intervention, she became pregnant even before she was married and was still a virgin.  God gave him a sign, and Joseph accepted her as his wife.  As a result, the general public was unaware of Jesus’s supernatural beginnings.  Joseph moved from Galilee to Bethlehem, a city in the Judean province, where Jesus was born, after the marriage ended.  In order to protect the infant from King Herod’s oppression, Joseph escaped to Egypt.  Herod 4 BC, which suggests that Jesus was most likely born in 4 BC.  took place in.

 Joseph went back and made his home in the village of Nazareth following the death of Herod.  During his three days in Jerusalem at the age of twelve, Jesus was observed sitting among the teachers in the temple, paying attention to them and posing inquiries.  Luke 2:47 And everyone who listened to him was astounded by his comprehension and responses.  Then Jesus and his parents went back to their village.After learning about Joseph’s line of work, Jesus stayed in the same village and worked as a carpenter until he was roughly thirty years old.  The Bible makes no mention of his 13–29 year period.  He received John’s immersion (initiation) in water at the age of thirty.  Following the submersion, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit.  Following a forty-day fast, Jesus began instructing people.


Babylonian Autobiography

Birth A number of wise men from the east arrived in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, Judea, during King Herod’s reign, and they started asking questions.  He who was born King of the Jews, where is he?  Since we have come to pay our respects to it after seeing its star in the east.  When King Herod heard this, he became terrified, as did everyone in Jerusalem.  And he called a conference of all the people’s chief priests and scribes, asking them, “Where should the Christ be born?”  In Bethlehem, Judea, they said to him, “You are by no means the least among the officials, for it is written through the prophet, O Bethlehem, which is in the land of Judah.”

Herod then made a covert call to the astrologers to inquire about the precise moment the star appeared.  “Go and find out exactly about that child and when you find him, tell me so that I too can come and worship him,” was the message he sent them with as they traveled to Bethlehem.  Following the king’s speech, they left, and as they did, they noticed that the star they had seen in the east had passed them by and come to a stop above the child’s location.

Herod then made a covert call to the astrologers to inquire about the precise moment the star appeared.  “Go and find out exactly about that child and when you find him, tell me so that I too can come and worship him,” was the message he sent them with as they traveled to Bethlehem.  Following the king’s speech, they left, and as they did, they noticed that the star they had seen in the east had passed them by and come to a stop above the child’s location.


Herod was furious when he realized the astrologers had made fun of him. To appease them, he sent people to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and the surrounding area who were two years old or younger at the precise moment the astrologers had requested.  Then, the prophecy made by the prophet Jeremiah came to pass: there was a great lamentation and cry in Ramah, and Rachel was weeping for her children, who were not comforted.

See, following Herod’s demise, Joseph had a dream in which the Lord’s angel spoke to him.  Get up, take the child and his mother, and travel to the land of Israel; for the people who intended to kill the child have perished.  He rose, brought the child and his mother, and traveled to the land of Israel.  However, he was terrified to travel to Judea upon learning that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod as king; consequently, he fled to the region of Galilee following the warning he received in his dream.  and made his home in the city of Nazareth; in order for the prophecy of the prophets to come true, he would be referred to as a Nazarene.


The child developed into a strong, intelligent adult, and God’s favor was upon him throughout.  Every year around the time of the Passover celebration, his parents would travel to Jerusalem.  They traveled to Jerusalem as was customary for the festival when he was twelve years old.  The young Jesus stayed in Jerusalem, and his parents were unaware of it, until those days came to an end and they started to return.They started their daylong journey, expecting to find him with other travelers, and began asking their friends and family if they knew where he might be.  Yet, they went back to Jerusalem to look again after failing to locate it.  It was in the temple, seated among the teachers, that they discovered him three days later, listening to them and asking questions.

His comprehension and responses astounded everyone who was listening to him.  His mother greeted him after they were shocked to see him, saying, “O son, why did you treat us like this?”  Look, I used to get frustrated when your father and I would look for you.  “Why did you look for me?” he asked them.  I have to be in my Father’s house, did you not realize that?  However, what he said to them was not understood by them.  His mother carried all of these things close to her heart as he followed them and arrived in Nazareth, where he stayed under their authority.  Jesus also gained favor with both God and people as he grew in stature and wisdom.

Mother Mariyam

God sent the angel Gabriel to a virgin in the Galilean city of Nazareth during the sixth month.  who was engaged to Joseph, a member of David’s family; that virgin’s name was Mary.  Then an angel appeared to him and said, “The Lord is with you; rejoice and win; for you have found favor with God.”  That word terrified her so much that she began to wonder, What kind of greeting is this?  Mary heard the angel say, “Do not be afraid; you have been favored by God.”  And lo, you will become pregnant and give birth to a son, whom you will call Jesus. 

that would be fantastic; he will be referred to as the Son of the Most High; the Lord God will grant him his father David’s throne.  Furthermore, he will rule the House of Jacob indefinitely, and his kingdom will never come to an end.  How will this happen, Mary asked the angel.  The man is unknown to me.  The angel replied, “Therefore the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God,” because the power of the Most High will overshadow you and the Holy Spirit will descend upon you.


Nothing in this book (the Bible) describes the many other signs that Jesus performed in front of the disciples.  Yet the purpose of these writings is to lead you to accept that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that you can be born again in his name (John 20:30, 31). [17] This was a very good man, but lucky for him, Jesus accomplished many miracles during his life that no other human being on earth could match.

preaching religion

Jesus started teaching the Israelites a new brand of Judaism when he was thirty years old.  Scripture readings and sermons in the auditorium were off limits to anyone under thirty at the time.  He declared that the one and only God is the embodiment of love and that the animal sacrifices and customs of modern Judaism are not what God wants.  God does not favor any one race over another; God loves all people.  One should learn to forgive and refrain from seeking retribution out of rage. 

He declared unequivocally that He is the Christ, the Son of God, and the path to eternal life.  Judaism made no special mention of or emphasis on the Day of Judgment; however, Jesus gave it particular attention because that is the day when the human soul will be assigned to either heaven or hell.  Jesus worked numerous miracles as well.

Protest, death and resurrection.  Jesus carrying his own cross

Jesus was fiercely opposed by the Jewish religious authorities known as fundamentalist rabbis.  As a Messiah, they saw nothing exceptional in Jesus.  He cherished his customs.  For him to claim to be the son of God was a serious transgression.  He thus lodged a complaint about this with Roman Governor Pilate at the time.  The Romans were perpetually terrified of a Jewish uprising.  Pilate therefore condemned Jesus to the agonizing death on the cross in order to appease the fundamentalists.

Jesus was whipped by Roman soldiers, according to the Bible.  They made him feel like a “King of the Jews” by dressing him in royal regalia, crowning his head with thorns, and spitting on him.  The Romans brought him to Golgata, where he was to be crucified, with his own cross on his back.  Upon arriving in Galgata, he was presented with a concoction of wine and bile.  This concoction was administered at the time to lessen the severe agony of the death penalty.  Jesus refuted this.  The Bible claims that Jesus was crucified in between two thieves.

Christians hold that because Jesus Christ took on the sins of everyone when he died on the cross, anyone who believes in Jesus will enter heaven.  Jesus rose from the dead three days later, and forty days later, he entered heaven.  The twelve disciples of Jesus disseminated his new faith worldwide.  Christianity was the name of this religion.

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